Burnout is a feeling of exhaustion, frustration or overwhelm that happens when stress and toxicity build up over time.
And this is really the key word here, time! It does not happen overnight, or from one week to the other. This is an accumulation.
It’s when we put so much effort into taking care of everything – without rest, recognition or results – that we drain ourselves of energy and sap our emotional and physical health.
The Challenge of Savasana
What is it, how to do it, why it’s matters
The purpose of Savasana (or also known as relaxation pose, corpse pose, and even dead-man’s pose) is to enable you to rest completely, both physically and mentally. It is as simple, and, as complicated as that.
This is why the position you take when you practice Savasana should be comfortable, as symmetrical as possible, and relaxing. And ideally, this position should be one where you do not need to use any effort to stay in the pose.
Worth pointing out, is that we talk about rest, not sleep, which is something quite different. So time for Savasana does not mean time to nap and sleep. Sometimes, in our sleep-deprived society though, this does happen, and it’s not the end of the world. But if you’re sleeping in the pose, you’re missing out on the benefits of conscious relaxation, which are quite different from the benefits of sleep.
You are not losing your mind
but you are losing your hormones…
Most of us, men and women, have little to no clue what our hormones actually do to us, and how much we are impacted by them. Having a basic understanding of what your hormones does, and how it impacts you can make all the difference. Especially when we talk about our stress hormones versus our sex hormones.
I think it’s important to understand that menopause IS NOT a switch that is turned on one day when you reach a certain age! It is not like you one day have your period, and the next you don’t.
Continue reading “You are not losing your mind”How to live longer
“It is the smallest steps that gives the biggest difference.”
When I worked as a nurse back home in Sweden, I was often frustrated that we did not work with, and focus on the ‘whole’ person. That we saw just ‘a patient’, with an illness/issue/disease. We did not focus on health. Instead it was focus on the patient not being sick, or simply less sick.
Once the patient was less sick, and could go back home, the patient went back to living life the same way, nothing had changed. Sometimes the patient was prescribed a medication, but no other changes were ‘prescribed’. This often meant that patients kept coming back, often for the same reason.
Estrogen is your feel-good hormone
When the supply becomes irregular (in our early 40s) we can feel, well, less good… Luckily, there is lots and lots you can do to feel better.
“I see menopause as the start of the next fabulous phase of life as a woman.”
Have you started experiencing symptoms such as irregular menstrual cycles, night-sweats, brain fog, dryer skin, pain in your joints, sleep issues, weight gain, or simply feeling more moody and emotional? If you are somewhere between age 35-55 then chances are that this is related to your transition into menopause.
Continue reading “Estrogen is your feel-good hormone”You create your own calm
June edition / By Camilla / June 1, 2023
Pockets of calm
A minute here and there can make a huge difference if repeated regularly.
Chances are that you don’t need to learn more stress-management techniques, but rather that you need a bit more air in your schedule.

“So, what if, instead of thinking about solving your whole life, you just think about adding additional good things. One at a time. Just let your pile of good things grow.”
Continue reading “You create your own calm”
Is sitting still slowly killing us?
May edition / By Camilla / May 4, 2023
For many of us, work means hours and hours of sitting, with rare pauses of movement. While it’s easy to dismiss this as a routine part of adult life, it is becoming a growing concern, and more and more people are having physical complaints.
When I’m giving workshops for companies on related topics (such as posture, stress resilience and ‘moving more’) I almost always begin by a quick poll. I ask the participants to raise a hand to show how many have pain in the lower back. I ask how many have discomfort/tension in the upper back, shoulders & neck on a regular basis. So many hands go up.
“Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel.”
Continue reading “Is sitting still slowly killing us?”
Are you a ‘sprinter’ or a ‘marathon’ runner?
April edition / By Camilla / April 6, 2023
Unlike what the headline might lead you to think, this monthly edition is not about running. It’s about your daily pace, and an invitation to reflect on the pace that you’re keeping.
Many of us continuously keep a high pace focusing on getting things done, all the time, trying to get to the bottom of the famous to-do-list.
But the harsh truth is that your to-do-list will never be emptied. You will never be finished! There will always be things to do…
Continue reading “Are you a ‘sprinter’ or a ‘marathon’ runner?”Stop setting yourself up for failure
March edition / By Camilla / March 2, 2023
A conversation I have with a lot of clients is HOW TO REDUCE STRESS, and the effects of stress in their life. We are all different, which means that we react differently to the daily stressors. What is certain though, is that our bodies are reacting, one way or another.
These clients might have come to yoga therapy because their bodies have started to complain. For some it’s an autoimmune condition (flaring up), or reoccurring digestive issues, troubles falling asleep/waking up too early.
For others, the toll of constantly being ‘on’, keeping busy, being efficient and getting things off their never-ending to-do list, leads to more mental/emotional/energetic issues, sometimes also to burnout.
Continue reading “Stop setting yourself up for failure”This could potentially save your life
February edition / By Camilla / February 9, 2023
Recently a yoga student reached out to me, wanting to start doing yoga therapy sessions as she has just been diagnosed with breast cancer.
In my job as a yoga therapist, requests like this are fairly common, and when I worked as a nurse I got used to meet people going through illness, you can say it became part of my daily life. But still, every time it happens, I am humbly reminded how quickly life as we know it, can change.
Breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer that we women are diagnosed with. We are bound to encounter it, either for ourselves, or in our circle of friends. It’s not just women who get it though, men do too. It is way less common for men but since we all have breasts, and breast tissue, we are all at risk so to speak.
Continue reading “This could potentially save your life”