
“The greatest asset of a company is its people.”

Why focus on employee wellbeing 

  • Increased productivity
  • Lower healthcare costs
  • Better employee engagement
  • Improved employee retention
  • Enhanced company reputation
Increased productivity: Healthy and happy employees are likely to be more productive, concentrate better, work efficiently and effectively, and are less likely to take time off due to illness or stress-related issues. 

Lower healthcare costs: By prioritizing employee wellbeing, companies can help reduce the number of sick days and healthcare costs associated with illness and stress-related issues.

Better employee engagement: Happy employees are your best brand ambassadors. If you treat them well, that positive energy will pass on to your customers. 

Improved employee retention: When employees feel valued and supported, they are less likely to look for work elsewhere. 

Enhanced company reputation: Companies that prioritize employee wellbeing can enhance their reputation as an employer of choice, which can help attract talent and improve the overall perception of the company among potential employees, customers, and investors.

What’s in it for the employee

  • Recognize signs of stress
  • Develop coping strategies
  • Prioritize self-care
  • Foster a positive workplace culture
  • Practice mindfulness
Recognize signs of stress: Understanding the physical, emotional, and behavioral signs of stress is crucial for managing it effectively. 

Develop coping strategies: Identify and develop effective coping strategies for managing stress, with techniques such as time management, problem-solving, as well as regularly making time for recovery.

Prioritize self-care: Learning how to apply tools, techniques and rituals to offset symptoms of unhealthy stress in everyday life.

Foster a positive workplace culture: A positive workplace culture consisting of positivity, supportiveness and collaboration can help reduce stress and build resilience. 

Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing, meditation and visualisation are powerful tools for reducing stress and increasing both resilience and wellbeing.

With over 15 years of corporate experience back home in Sweden and abroad, I’ve noticed that few companies prioritize employee wellbeing unless forced to by circumstances like long-term sick leave. 

But why wait for such situations to arise? 

Imagine being part of a company that consistently prioritizes employee health, not just during challenging times. 

That’s where I come in. 

My mission is to empower individuals to make sustainable lifestyle improvements, preventing burnout and other stress-related health issues. 

Through workshops and talks, I deepen understanding of our bodies and brains, addressing problems like low energy, physical discomfort & pain, difficulty concentrating, mood swings, sleep disturbances, and stress. 

Participants gain practical tools and strategies to feel better, excel at work, and have energy at the end of the (working)day. 

I work with companies that genuinely value their employees as invaluable assets. If this resonates with you, let’s discuss how we can collaborate.

Let’s work together to facilitate healthier, happier and less stressed-out employees.

Carefully designed 

Each workshop is designed to provide your organization with valuable knowledge, simple yet effective tools and techniques to be used in everyday life. Your employees will learn how to recognize & manage stress and how to build the resilience they need to thrive in this fast-paced world.

Click here for the employee wellbeing workshops/talks

Tailored to your organisation

No two companies are exactly the same, which is why each workshop/talk is tailored to suit the needs of your people and to provide support to protect against stress and burnout, and to promote employee wellbeing.

The workshops/talks can be done as a one-off, or as part of a wellbeing-programme.

Flexible options

The workshops & talk are available online. No matter where your people are located, they can get the support they need to stay healthy and productive.

Now we make it happen. Together!

Let’s discuss what work best for your company. I tailor each workshop/talk in consultation with you, in order to make the content as relevant as possible.