

New date coming soon...

See below for content

“Improve your breath and you’ll improve your health & wellbeing”

We each breathe about 25.000 rounds of breath each day

Done correctly your breath will support your health & wellbeing. Unfortunately the opposite is also true, done incorrectly, your way of breathing moves you away from good health. 

Life hits us all in different ways, and it is very common to adapt a breathing pattern that is not a healthy way to breathe. 

Yes, trauma, injury, accidents and acute pain changes the way we breathe. However the breath also changes due to longterm stress, less than optimal posture at work, restricting clothes and the pressure to have a ’flat belly’ can do equally much damage to our way of breathing, especially being repeated day in & day out, while we are awake, and while we sleep. 

Each breathwork session gives you the opportunity to practice & experience for yourself the various breathing techniques. Emphasise is on the practice, learning how to do it correctly, where to feel it in your body, which muscles to engage (and which ones not to use) so that you breath by breath can work to implement them into your daily life. 

Part I and II* of ‘Breathe Yourself to Better Health’ are fully independent of each other, and focus on different skills, tools & practices. They can be done separately, or one after the other depending on your interest and willingness to practice. They can also be done several times as way to support your practice. If you have previously joined one of these ’breathe yourself to better health’ sessions you will receive a 10% discount on the next one(s). 

”No matter what you eat, how much you exercise, how skinny or young or wise you are, non of it matters if you aren’t breathing properly”

James Nestor

Breathe Yourself To Better Health :

  • Are you an over-breather – and is that so bad?
  • How to do diaphragmatic breathing – and why you want to learn this
  • Nose breathing
  • How to breathe for better health – it might seriously change your life!

NEXT DATE: coming soon 
Previous date: 22-01-25

Breathe Your Stress Away :

  • Different ratio – different emotional & physical reactions/effects
  • Box-breathing – the famous stress-relieving technique 
  • CO2 tolerance & why it matters
  • “The perfect breath” – does it really exist?!

NEXT DATE: coming soon
Previous date: 22-03-03

In-depth workshop

For those of you wanting to understand the WHY and HOW related to the content offered in part I & II of ‘Breathe Yourself to Better Health’ there will be a workshop diving into all of that knowledge. You find more information HERE

In theory breathing is the most natural thing there is. It is how we begin our life here on earth and it is how we will finish it as well, with taking a breath.

Even though we don’t have to think about how we breathe in order to actually do it, there are so many benefits to be found by improving the way you do it.


Online through Zoom. Link will be sent by email to registered participants at about 13.00 on the day of the event (check your spam folder)

Investment; 25 €  / 250 SEK
To be paid in full at the very latest by 12.00 on the day of the event
*10 % discount if you have attended a previous breathwork session with me 

The practices are suitable to do either seated or lying down (floor/sofa/bed). Wear comfy clothes and make sure you are warm enough. 

The event will be recorded and made available for 10 days following the event.

PLEASE NOTE – these breathwork sessions might not be fully suitable for you who have been diagnosed with a breathing pattern disorder, have severe asthma, have regular panic attacks, often have anxiety — if that is the case for you, let’s chat to see if these sessions are suitable & safe for you to participate in.  

*They are offered regularly, on different days of the week and different time slots in order to accommodate different schedules. The session is being recorded, and you will have access to the recording 10-days following the live stream assuming of course that you have signed up & paid.