Please read through this information to know what to expect from the online course you are about to start. If anything feels unclear reach out to me by email.
Day of session;
Before 14:00 you will receive the link + what you will need at hand (make sure to check your spam box if no email). Reach out before 18:00 if no email/link.
New to Zoom? If you don’t use zoom on a regular basis you might need a little bit more time to get started the first time (so start early enough).
Log on early;
I appreciate it if you log on a few minutes before the actual starting time. It’s so much nicer for me to have a few minutes ‘chatting’ & seeing you all before we officially start (recording). I’m always online 15-min before.
Not joining the session live;
It’s perfectly fine of course since it’s all being recorded, but please let me know before the session start so I know how many to expect for the actual session.
The layout;
Each session will be mixed with theory and practice so be sure to be in a space where you can also move/practice. In general I do not be give individual comments/feedback as you practice, so don’t worry about how to set up your device. Just make sure you can see & hear properly.
Write down your questions;
I make sure to leave time at the end of every session for any questions that are left unanswered, so note down your questions and save them for the end, or for when I’m opening up for questions.
The recordings;
In general, I only record myself to respect your privacy.
You will have access to all the recordings and other related videos for 90 days after the course is finished. My hope is that you will use the material several times, going back to the sessions to repeat what you need repeating.
However I kindly ask you to not share the recordings without checking with me.
Day after session;
Before 14:00 you’ll receive an email with the link to the recording + key points from the session + any additional material such as suggested practice/short video or similar.
your Feedback;
At the end of the course you receive an email with a few questions where I ask you for your valuable feedback, thank you in advance for filling that out!
Looking forward to be sharing this course together with you /Camilla